Saturday, February 6, 2010


So I was super bored and doing a little Facebook creeping. I stumbled upon a friend's profile and I was shocked to find out she got married.

Excuse me?!

When did this happen? And honey, when did you move to Kentucky? I JUST SAW YOU IN THE MALL BEFORE CHRISTMAS. You looked just like the Scenie Baby I used to know, love, and actually kind of envy! I didn't even know you had gotten over all your old boy problems we used to spend hours dishing about during our long shifts at work. WHAT.

After getting over this shock, I continued creeping. I know, it's a bad habit, but it is certainly a time waster. I came across one of my childhood friend's profile and discovered that she's pregnant.


Third trimester! Seriously! It's a girl! I even creeped a step further (oh internet you have made stalking so easy) and searched for her registry on Uuuugh. She just graduated with me in June. I felt a serious areyouserious when I discovered this.

I don't know, fellow bloggers out there in cyberspace. I'm nineteen years old, and just barely. Married Girl is twenty-one. Pregnant One turned nineteen a few days before me. My cousin is also pregnant, and she just turned twenty. My parents started dating when my mom was nineteen.

It's intimidating, you know. Thinking about starting my life. I don't make enough money to support myself right now. I have a really, really long road ahead of me as far as schooling goes. Ten to twelve more years. I'm going to be almost thirty when I complete everything I want to get done. Almost thirty. Or, God forbid, past thirty. I can't imagine being thirty and still in school. But it'll be worth it. Right? Right?

I feel a real, legitimate pressure to get my life on track. Seeing these girls with their lives getting underway kind of makes me jealous. I want to get off of Cape Cod and into the city where I can begin.

I don't know, guys. I just don't know about this whole life thing. Seems a bit intimidating.


  1. There is one way to get your life under way and then there is another! People have to follow their own path and one is not more "right " than another. Also, you don't know any of the "circumstances" that have led these girls to make their decisions!

    Getting an education and following your plan IS getting on with your life! Don't falter and think twice about YOUR plans just because someone else made a different decision!! You on on YOUR correct path, that is what counts!

    Imagine in 12 years these girls are looking through Facebook on a boring Saturday night and see that Dr. Stehanie is in business!

  2. love your blog name :)
